
Brainstorming tools allow you to express ideas intended to solve design problems. We have our design problem outlined in our Design Brief. In this step, you are free to use Miro ideation features and consider multiple approaches.

Video: Introduction to Miro and Whiteboard Set-Up

Synopsis: This video is a quick introduction to Miro as an online collaborative whiteboard platform.
Duration: 3 minutes

Video: User Persona

Synopsis: A user persona templates allow us to represent our target audience, allowing one to understand how to develop a design campaign that responds to user needs.
Duration: 2 minutes

Additional Information

For this project, we may create a user persona that belongs to one of the following groups:

  • Youth
  • Young adults
  • Parents
  • Elderly people

Video: Problem Definition and Idea Generation

Synopsis: Introducing a user persona helps us express our target audience, a crucial step in any campaign design project. Now we can capture a problem statement that will guide the next steps of our design process with a human-centred design approach. We are ready to generate ideas to understand our users and a well-defined human-centred problem statement. We will use Miro’s sticky notes and brainstorming tools to stimulate free thinking and capture those results in this tool. You may do the random word brainstorming exercise to create ideas and mind mapping to trace connections between disparate thoughts.
Duration: 3 minutes

Additional resources