Housekeeping with InDesign

Housekeeping is an essential part of any design project. You need to keep your files organized, especially when working with InDesign. We will obtain image files and fonts and arrange them in our folders. Once our folders are collected, we will set up our canvas and tour the InDesign workspace.

File management

Synopsis: When you have decided on a design route, you are ready to gather assets that support that aesthetic, like images, graphics and fonts, and organize them in our project folder.
Duration: 3 minutes


Signika font at google fonts

Free stock images at Unsplash

File Creation and The InDesign Interface

Synopsis: We will create a new work file (document file) to save as a .indd in our project folder. Then we will look at the InDesign interface and present the layout tools.
Duration: 5 minutes

File specifications:

  • Size: 11×17 inches
  • Colour Profile: CMYK
  • Orientation: Horizontal
  • Bleed: 0.125

Best practices:

  • Similar tools are grouped: If you cannot see a specific device, look for a tool that might look similar to the one you need, click and hold, and the hidden tools will appear.
  • The selection tool [V]: The selection tool allows you to define a selection and move content. The panels change according to what is set with the Selection tool. Be sure to work around your document with the selection tool.